From Ace to Amigo

Shortly after Ace arrived, I changed his name to Amigo to reflect his sweet, collaborative nature and foretell our future together.

Amigo’s health and socialization is progressing at an astonishing rate. Within days of arriving, he was running to the gate when he saw me coming. He has figured out that carrots are delicious. He is still cautious and independent, but with a few small bribes of granola bars he follows me around his pasture and allows me to halter him.

Today I took Amigo on a tour of our 70- horse boarding facility. We went in and out of the barn. Doors were slamming, and there was horse and human traffic in the arena and on the trails. Amigo took all this in with incredible aplomb. He was sensitive, alert, and careful, but not spooky or afraid. He carries himself like a king while showing the softest manners and sweetness. Never even a pull on his lead rope. This guy is a gem.

On top of that, Amigo is getting more beautiful by the day. He is filling out beautifully and his eyes have healed. The chiropractor dentist, and farrier are coming in the next few weeks. His winter coat is growing in beautifully, and I will begin grooming him soon. From there we will start exercising to build back some muscle and see more of what training he has had.

I continue to count my many blessings, including my incredible luck at finding this amazing horse.