The Saddle

With the help of excellent trainer Jen Manix, we tried a saddle on Amigo for the first time. He was a perfect gentleman as we put it on, and even when we tightened the girth, when many horses react, Amigo did not flinch. We led him through several exercises, which he performed with some anxiety, but overall I was encouraged by his obedience and behavior “under saddle.”

Unfortunately, for the next 10 days Amigo would not let me near him, and ran at the sight of the halter I carried to put on him. Amigo was clearly telling me he was not ready to be ridden yet. It took me about two weeks to coax him back to letting me touch him, then halter and work with him again.

Since then, we have concentrated on groundwork exercises to build his muscles and our connection, He appears to love liberty work, so we will build from there. We also go grazing, sometimes with Echo, to practice my two-horse handling skills, build trust, and get to know the area.

I hope to ride Amigo someday, and I trust he will inform me when the time is right. In the meantime,we build our relationship through engaging, helpful, positive experiences.