Serenity and Leadership

I recently stumbled upon a person’s emotional “trigger”. The result was a blow-up of epic proportions over what was to me an innocuous comment. Fortunately, they understood I had no malicious intent, and they had the Clarity and Courage to own their emotional reaction and share information so we could move forward and keep our Connection.

Our hearts -our emotions- store important information about us that helps us grow and evolve. Maturity and leadership is built when we practice the self-awareness and compassion to get curious about our emotional triggers, use Clarity to help us heal and decide what to let of, and then have the Courage to address things that we need to. The result is more serenity in life and better leadership builterenity and Leadershop on Clarity, Connection and Courage.  

What triggers you? How can you build your leadership by using Clarity and Courage to improve your Connections?


For practical ways to build Clarity, Connection and Courage, you can get an autographed copy of my book Leading with Clarity, Connection and Courage: The Secret to Whole Leadership HERE.

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